This is a pretty involved topic. There are so many different women out there looking for so many different things. Please don't take this article as gospel and think it applies to every woman. Nevertheless, I will generalize for the most part on some of the givens when it comes to what a woman looks for in a man. The first important thing to note is this: for 90 percent of women, the attributes of a man are far more important then the looks or the body of a man.

Sure, there are some shallow ones out there that care only about money, looks, or body. For the vast majority of women though, it is what the man has to offer as a person. How many average guys have you seen with an incredibly hot girl$%: It doesn't surprise me, as I know what is important to most women. Now don't get me wrong. Don't let yourself go til the point that you look like a sack of ass. Physical attraction is still very important, especially for the beginning attraction and connection. But if Looks were in a cage match against Personality, then believe it or not Personality will kick Look's ass every time. Hell, it'd put a chair to the face of Looks as Looks is superplexed off the top rope.

SIDENOTE-To really have any woman you want, you need to be able to read them and understand what makes them tick. Figuring out their hot buttons is very important. If you can find out what their hot buttons are and push them frequently, you'll be successful with women.

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For example, if you find out that fidelity is a big hot button for them, (even though it is with most women) then you better be damn sure that you never take a second glance when that hottie walks by. Act as if you never saw her. You can't even let your eyes move; they'll see it and they don't like it. Or if you go up to a register and there is a hottie, your eyes better damn well be fixed on the register displaying the amount, then your credit card, and then anywhere else but on the hottie. If she thinks that you only have eyes for her and no one else even exists in your mind, you're pushing her fidelity hot button.

You can even take it a step further without going overboard by saying things like....... "I hated that movie, he cheated on her!!! What a piece of shit, I thought he was a decent guy and it was a decent flick before that, I hated it" Get the picture$%: Find their hot buttons and focus on them so she knows you are what she is looking for.

Ok, back to the generalizations of what women like. Women, and everyone for that matter, like to have fun. No one dreads the serious relationship stuff like women. They want it to be simple and fun in public. But, they also want you to give them the love and affection they need in private. So....with that being said, be the life of the party. You don't have to be the center of attention, but be light and humorous. Make her laugh often and figure out whatever it is that she thinks is funny. It might be being sarcastic to her, or making fun of others, or something else.


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Whatever the hell it is, find it out and use it to make her laugh. You can look like the biggest sack of ass physically but if you make her laugh, constantly, she'll love being around you. Now I'm not saying never ever be serious because then she'll never take you seriously. Nevertheless, the ratio should certainly be 80/20, with the light and funny being the 80!

No one thinks that they are on this earth just to sit around and wait until they kick off. We are here to have a good time. If you show her how fun it is to be around you, she will make sure she is in your presence. She would much rather be around someone that makes her laugh and have a good time, even if he doesn't have that much to offer in the looks department, over some gorgeous idiot that she doesn't even like to be around.

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Think about it, who do you like to hang around most$%: If you do a mental inventory of who you like to be around the most, I bet it is funny and fun loving people. Women are no different.

So make her laugh anyway you can. If she laughs with you all night long, then you can be sure she will add you to the people she wants to be around.

Godspeed young slayer of virtue.


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